When You Should Look For A Good Bankruptcy Attorney

Life has its own twists. Unfortunately you are not really ready for it. There are times when you are in debt and you have to pay huge bills. Debts can keep on increasing for many reasons. The reasons are sometimes logical. It can end up becoming a huge amount of money which a person fails to pay. Now let’s discuss on the most important facts which can put you in a financial crisis.

Thanks To The Medical Bills

One of the very first things which every person fails to pay is the medical bills. Hospital bills keep on increasing depending on the kind of accident or illness you have. The worst thing is you don’t have any idea how much you have to pay. Moreover, you cannot control it. They are very expensive and a costly affair for most people.

The cost of surgeries, x-rays, emergency room visits are huge. Modern hospitals have the best medical equipment which is quite expensive. What they do is pass down the costs to the patient. This is when you need a bankruptcy attorney who can help you get out of the mess.

Credit Card Debt

Credit cards are one of the major reasons of the increasing debts. Unfortunately, people decide to get a credit card so that they can cope up with the small debts. But the purpose is not served in the right way. They prefer using the credit card during an emergency or when they have zero cash.

Credit cards are a very convenient option and you can use it when the need arises or you don’t have instant cash. The only difference is that you have to pay a price. Interest rates can also maximize your credit card debt. It adds up to the amount quickly and people find themselves in a financial crisis. Hire a bankruptcy attorney who can offer the best help.

The Right Solution To All Your Problems

For those who are encountering debt issues this is the very right time to look for a bankruptcy attorney. They have experience in all the different kind of bankruptcy laws. They have the right skills, knowledge and experience to help you resolve the debt issues.

It gives you peace of mind when you are in a financial crisis. They can reconcile your debts through a court-approved payment arrangement which can help you deal with the things easily. Keep all these great tips in mind when you are bankrupt.

10 Tips to a Better Forex Trading Strategy

Over the past decade,Forex trading has grown rapidly thanks to its expansion on the internet. What was once considered a side trading strategy by those who delved in stocks is now open to millions of people who can trade on a daily basis.

The low initial cost and promise of quick results have certainly lured people of many different backgrounds and experiences into this form of trading. However, as many find out it is not as simple as they may have heard or have been promised. This is because proper Forex trading strategy is not based in short term gain, but in long term results which may run counter to the expectations of those who believe they will make quick cash.

The following are ten solid tips into creating the proper Forex trading strategy that will help deliver the results:-

Forex Trading is a Long Term Wealth Building Tool:

For those who are new to this form of trading, this is not a “get rich quick” scheme. In fact, effective Forex trading strategy is based on risking a little bit of money each day and not trying to “win big” off of a few trades. The weighing of the risk and reward is very important to employing the best strategy that will result in getting good trades. In other words, do not risk more than you can afford to lose.

Trade from Logic, Not Emotion:

A “good feeling” or “gut instinct” is exactly that, an emotion-based response that actually has no bearing on whether a trade will turn out good or not. Those that excel at Forex trading strategy base it on research, current events and trends while leaving their emotions out of the equation. The good feeling is simply not enough to risk any money on a trade without the proper research and backing.

Use Limited Leverage:

The ability to trade on margins is one of the most attractive features in Forex trading strategy. In fact, many Forex trades are accomplished with a high degree of leverage which means that only a small amount of money is actually put up front. However, if the trade goes badly then you will owe more than what was initially placed up to your entire investment depending on the margins. This means that careful management of the margins is in order, so limit the amount of leverage used on your trades.

Carefully Consider All Decisions:

Despite all the planning, there are a lot of random events that may occur which will create results that you may not expect. However, this does not mean that you should make decisions too quickly or not consider all the possibilities. Too many traders will simply go by their gut feeling and not do the proper research in order to get the best results. For example, it is always a good strategy to have a “stop losses” order in place just in case the trade goes against expectations.

Understand the Market:

It pays to know how the market in general reacts on a day to day basis. While some might say that “history never repeats”, it is helpful to understand the conditions which created favorable trades on your behalf. Good Forex trading strategy includes a good understanding of the market itself and how it reacts to daily events.

Always Use Stop Losses:

Stop losses exist because one of the worst traits that many Forex traders develop is the belief system that things will turn around for a trade no matter how bad the losses. By putting in a stop losses order, a trade that goes horribly wrong will only cost a small amount of the investment because it was stopped at a pre-set amount.

Keep a Checklist:

It always seems to be the little things that matter when it comes to successful Forex trading. When creating a winning strategy, develop a checklist that you can mark off once each step is accomplished. In that manner, you can better follow your strategies for creating the best trade possible.

A proper checklist should include the following:

Time of Day
Technical Indicators Used in the Trade
Buy or Sell Signals that have been Noticed
Risk/Reward Value
Daily Stop Limit

Be Methodical and Disciplined:

Once you have developed a disciplined Forex trading strategy that works, stick to it. A well tested plan will pay off more often than not which means that you can increase your overall success rate. The secret behind creating a healthy income stream with Forex trading is consistency in the approach. This means that each trade needs to be well thought out through good analysis and research.

Keep a Diary:

In other words, learn from your mistakes. Successful Forex traders keep a diary of when, where and why they took each trade while writing down all the pertinent details. From that information, a trader can then discover their winning strategy and then pursue it on a daily basis. Keeping a detailed diary, especially in the first few weeks of trading is a very valuable strategy.

Forex Trading is Money Management:

The difference between long term success and failure is how the money is managed. By risking a set percentage each and every time, a trader will limit their losses when they occur and thus keep more of their money in the long run. By effectively managing your money from day to day, the trading will limit the losses and the winning results will start to add up over time.

The most successful Forex traders are those who base their strategy on winning more trades than losing and building up their investment over time. Keeping up your motivation and following a daily plan will help anyone execute the best Forex trading strategy possible. This means additional research and looking for signals which indicate the best circumstances to make a trade. Once a proper trading strategy has been developed, you can use it over and over again with success to build up your investment.

How to Create a Budget Around Debt Repayment

In order for you to start putting extra money aside to pay off your debt, you must first gain control of your monthly spending. After all it is your spending habits that have led you into debt in the first place. Before each month begins, you must sit down and allocate every single Dollar of your income to a particular spending category. Every Dollar has a purpose. You must create what is known as a Zero Balanced Budget. What this means simply is that when you total up your income and subtract all of your expenses, the balance is $0. Every single Dollar of your income must be put to work for you, there is no spare money. Not even a spare cent!

When completing your budget, you must allow for every single area of spending. If you do not then you will not have money for it when it comes up. For example, if you do not include money for tires or car servicing, you will not have the money for them when they are required. It is easy to account for the general monthly expenses such as food, lights, heat, mortgage and so on, but you must also include a category to cover annual expenses such as clothes, car maintenance, insurance etc. My own personal budget is created using EXCEL, but you can simply use a pen and paper if you wish.

OK you have now created your budget but this is only half the plan. If you do not stick to your budget then it is all but pointless. You need to record every single penny that you spend on a daily basis. You can simply jot it down on a piece of paper or notepad or you can use any number of smart phone apps. I personally use an app called Spending Tracker and it allows me to export my spending record to EXCEL. Last point on this is to record your spending as soon as possible after you spend the money or you will forget.

When you have created your first budget and recorded your spending for one month you will be ready to adjust your budget. It is extremely unlikely that your first budget will go according to plan. If it does then you have not set it tight enough and you need to cut it more. Using your spending record, adjust your monthly expenses as required to get a more accurate budget. Keep doing this until you have developed a budget that you can live on and includes all of your spending requirements.

Once you find yourself following this budget process regularly and consistently, you will free up money to pay towards your debts. If you do not, then you have an “Income/expense gap” problem. I will tackle this in a later article. If you need any further help with budgeting or budget forms, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

How Is My Credit Card Interest Rate Calculated?

It is not surprising to know that credit cards are expensive. Yes, cashless transactions can in fact end in an empty wallet if you aren’t careful about how much you spend and keep a check on your bills by paying them back regularly. So, what makes them popular despite their exorbitant charges? Well, let us have a look at an example and understand this better:

For instance, in your current billing cycle say for the month of March is as follows,

the total amount due is given as Rs.5000,
the minimum amount due is Rs.150,

Considering you pay only your minimum amount due,

your current outstanding is: Rs.4850
Interest charged is 3% on outstanding; which is Rs.145.5
The total outstanding is: Rs. 4995.5 ~ Rs.5000

Let your new purchase in the next billing cycle (for the month of April) be worth Rs.2500

The minimum balance paid by you is Rs.200

Now, your outstanding is: 5000 + 2500 – 200 which is 7300
(adding previous month’s balance to the current bill)

Interest charged at 3% on outstanding; which is Rs.219

The Final Outstanding is Rs.7519.

Just think for a moment and see, you had already paid the sum of Rs.350 which is the minimum dues for both cycles. And apart from this you’ll have to pay Rs.7519. which amounts to a total of Rs.7766.

The more number of bills you leave unpaid, the more you will end up paying. Simply because 3% per month amounts to 36% per year! Now, doesn’t that sound a little too expensive? Moreover, the interest charged is on the total outstanding and not just on the current bill’s due amount, do you see how tiresome it can prove to be?

Do not ever fall into a treacherous debt trap, because that is precisely where you will end up the moment you default on your credit card.

Unless you believe you possess some amount of self discipline when it comes to using these plastic financial weapons, there is a good chance it will backfire right back at you. This sometimes leads to people settling their cards.

What does credit card settlement mean?

When the outstanding amount on your card exceeds way beyond your repaying capacity, the card issuer will quote a minimum settlement amount.
Once you settle your card, it means that the issuer will cancel all the outstanding on your card, this will end in your card being terminated.
Wait there’s more.

Settling your credit card can have one of the worst effects on your financial life. And that too on a permanent basis! Why you wonder?

You see, when your card is settled, your cibil score automatically gets lowered. Apart from that, from this kind of behaviour the bank understands that you are not very good at repaying the money you borrowed. Finally, ending in your loan application being rejected. yes, such is the extent of defaulting on your credit card.